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The creators of the PACT token have launched their own NFT platform. Its feature is gamification. Every PACT holder can create an NFT character here. The standard cost of any of the four avatars—a warrior, predictor, trader, and farmer—is 100 PACT tokens.
Next is the most exciting part
The hero should rise and progress, improving his skills and increasing the general level. After purchasing an avatar, you can right away upgrade it for up to 20 thousand PACT tokens. The tokens invested in the hero’s body will enhance his potential for future earnings. Also, after creating a hero, you can take part once in the multicast lottery and win up to 200 bonus levels of the hero. The lottery is free for everyone, but those who have invested large sums in the character’s body are more likely to win many levels.
Next is the most profitable part
The platform currently provides opportunities for earning PACT tokens, as well as BNB and Cake. You can send the upgraded heroes to mining pools. Five starter pools are planned, each for 100 thousand PACT, along with pools for 50 BNB and 500 Cake. They will launch them in series, so the participants should keep up with the announcements. The mining yield depends on the hero’s level: they calculate the total number of levels of all participants in the pool and distribute the profit according to the share of each participant in this number. You can create, develop, and send any number of heroes to mining.
The next is at your whim
You can also take heroes from mining and remove them. In doing so, you return all the money invested in upgrading to the wallet. You can sell the unique NFT characters or send them to your friends.
The next is even more
Gamification will evolve. Skill variations for different avatars, adding the extra farming and new tokens to the platform are already planned, there is also a quick reaction to new NFT trends, so it’s a good time for you to join.
The PACT token has recently entered the market, and as part of the community development, its creators launched on the centralized exchange where earning, staking, commission discounts, and exclusive drops are available for the holders. Also, they opened their DEX exchange. To understand the ecosystem of interactions for PACT holders, visit the website.
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